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The Cinnamon Estate
Cinnamon - Queen of Spices
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Mount Cinnamon
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One of the unique aspects of Mirissa Hills is its fine collection of Sri Lankan art, much of which has been intentionally incorporated into the design.

At Mount Cinnamon, the screen designed by Laki Senenakaye, Sri Lanka's own "Renaissance man", is entitled the "Enchanted Forest".

The gallery which runs the length of the house at the lower level is expected in time to house other sculptures, the preference of the owner being to showcase local artists.

Older and younger generations are represented in all three buildings from Ivan Peiris, who dominated the art scene of the 70's and 80's, to younger artists such as Druvinka and Mohammed Cader.

In the museum, the Phoenix sculpture by young Chinese sculptor Zhang Zhaohong is the first known depiction of the legend as it pertains to cinnamon, while Laki's "Cinnomolgus", the other mythical bird associated with the spice, is also a first.

The Australian-born artist, Kevin Pearsh, much of whose oevre is inspired by South Asia, has painted the magnificent "Cinnamon Dyptch" for the bar.




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